Teeth are an important part of our daily lives. A lot of foods require teeth to chew properly and most words can only be pronounced using your front teeth. When this functionality is gone, it creates a huge shift in daily life which is why many turn to dentures.
Dentures are a highly popular and effective way to restore a smile that has been lost. Over 40 million Americans use dentures in fact, and they are one of the most obtainable ways to replace teeth that are missing. At River Run Family Dentistry we work with many patients who are in need of dentures.
There are two types of dentures – complete and partials. We will be going over the differences and similarities to help you decide on one that works best for your current needs.
Dentures are a set of artificial teeth that are designed to fully replace lost natural teeth. Typically, they are made from acrylic resin, but they can also be made from other materials such as porcelain, nylon, or even metal. They are a cost-effective way for someone to receive a full set of teeth compared to all-on-4 dentures, which require a complex surgical procedure and are fixated permanently in the mouth.
Partial Dentures
Rather than replacing a complete set of teeth, partial dentures are for replacing a small number of teeth. The false teeth are attached to a piece of metal that is inserted into the mouth. These are an excellent option when replacing missing teeth – restoring both functionality and appearance. And like full dentures, they are a more economical option over more expensive alternatives.
Caring For Dentures
Whether you have partial or full dentures, caring for them is just as important as caring for natural teeth. Dentures should be taken out and washed every night in an anti-bacterial denture cleaner and a soft-bristle toothbrush. It is also a good idea to avoid sticky foods as much as possible to prevent damage – plus, it will make it easier on you when cleaning before bed.
Ideally, cleaning dentures twice a day is best, especially if you are consuming foods that tend to leave behind particles. Bacteria are able to cling to dentures just like natural teeth and they can still cause gum disease if proper oral care isn’t followed.
Dentures vs Implants
If you are in need of teeth replacement, you might have looked into implants and weighed them with dentures to figure out which one works best for you. The elephant in the room is the up-front cost difference which is worlds apart due to the surgical procedure involved with implants. Many people find dentures affordable and convenient enough to just stick with them. However, implants replicate the feel and functionality of natural teeth better since they are surgically attached and connected to the jawbone. This means they are sturdy and you won’t have to remove them every night because they cannot be removed. Ultimately, the best choice is the one you are most comfortable with making.
If you would like to talk to us about dentures, have any questions, or want to schedule an appointment, you can call 830-387-3040. At River Run Family Dentistry we are dedicated to providing excellent oral care in a welcoming environment that makes you feel at home.