Complete and partial dentures from River Run Family Dentistry

Teeth are an important part of our daily lives. A lot of foods require teeth to chew properly and most words can only be pronounced using your front teeth. When this functionality is gone, it creates a huge shift in daily life which is why many turn to dentures.

Dentures are a highly popular and effective way to restore a smile that has been lost. Over 40 million Americans use dentures in fact, and they are one of the most obtainable ways to replace teeth that are missing.  At River Run Family Dentistry we work with many patients who are in need of dentures.

There are two types of dentures – complete and partials. We will be going over the differences and similarities to help you decide on one that works best for your current needs.


Dentures are a set of artificial teeth that are designed to fully replace lost natural teeth. Typically, they are made from acrylic resin, but they can also be made from other materials such as porcelain, nylon, or even metal. They are a cost-effective way for someone to receive a full set of teeth compared to all-on-4 dentures, which require a complex surgical procedure and are fixated permanently in the mouth.

Partial Dentures

Rather than replacing a complete set of teeth, partial dentures are for replacing a small number of teeth. The false teeth are attached to a piece of metal that is inserted into the mouth. These are an excellent option when replacing missing teeth – restoring both functionality and appearance. And like full dentures, they are a more economical option over more expensive alternatives.

Caring For Dentures

Whether you have partial or full dentures, caring for them is just as important as caring for natural teeth. Dentures should be taken out and washed every night in an anti-bacterial denture cleaner and a soft-bristle toothbrush. It is also a good idea to avoid sticky foods as much as possible to prevent damage – plus, it will make it easier on you when cleaning before bed.

Ideally, cleaning dentures twice a day is best, especially if you are consuming foods that tend to leave behind particles. Bacteria are able to cling to dentures just like natural teeth and they can still cause gum disease if proper oral care isn’t followed.

Dentures vs Implants

If you are in need of teeth replacement, you might have looked into implants and weighed them with dentures to figure out which one works best for you. The elephant in the room is the up-front cost difference which is worlds apart due to the surgical procedure involved with implants. Many people find dentures affordable and convenient enough to just stick with them. However, implants replicate the feel and functionality of natural teeth better since they are surgically attached and connected to the jawbone. This means they are sturdy and you won’t have to remove them every night because they cannot be removed. Ultimately, the best choice is the one you are most comfortable with making.

If you would like to talk to us about dentures, have any questions, or want to schedule an appointment, you can call 830-387-3040. At River Run Family Dentistry we are dedicated to providing excellent oral care in a welcoming environment that makes you feel at home.

Smiling child receiving dental care from River Run Family Dentistry

Caring for your child’s teeth and teaching them positive oral health habits will set them up for a healthy mouth in the future. At River Run Family Dentistry, we are serious about providing kids with expert oral care and ensure they have the best experience possible during their visit

Dentistry Tips for Children

Dental care for kids starts as early as when their teeth start to develop. Much like adults and older kids, babies need to have their teeth brushed and flossed on a daily basis to prevent oral health problems from occurring while they are still so young. Before their teeth develop (oftentimes at 6 months) you can use damp gauze to clean their mouths to get rid of any build-up.

In addition to this – and we know how picky kids can be – ensuring that your child has a healthy diet that benefits both their teeth and body will go a long way in helping them achieve a lifetime of good health overall. Including lots of veggies in their diet and allowing them to develop a taste for healthier options will go a long way towards a healthier mouth overall.

Starting positive habits early is crucial as it is common for older kids, teens, and adults to end up developing poor dental hygiene habits that can result in oral health problems later in life. We see patients both young and old with varying degrees of dental health which is why we are passionate about setting children on the right path. As young as 12 months old it is recommended that children come in for a check-up every 6 months. This is to ensure that everything is fine with their oral health. 

Our Services

It is admittedly common for cavities to occur in children, which is why we offer preventative services to help. The back of the mouth is where 4 out 5 children end up developing cavities – we are able to place a sealant in these areas to greatly reduce the risk of problems developing. 

We also offer cosmetic and restorative services along with surgical procedures – and we realize that can be a difficult situation for fearful children. We want every patient – child or adult, to feel at home when they visit. Even so, It is relatively common for children to be fearful or anxious when visiting the dentist which is why we provide sedation to ensure the child can feel at ease while we provide the best oral care that we can provide. In most cases, nitrous oxide is excellent for inducing calmness and the feeling of being at ease. For especially fearful children, IV sedation induces a deep sleep with little to no memories of the visit. Both methods are completely safe, and we offer these for adults who too can feel anxious about visits to the dentist.

Regular visits to the dentist while children are young still can help them feel comfortable with their visit. It is not uncommon for adults to choose to avoid the dentist for years out of fear due to limited experience of dental appointments. The best way to show that dentist visits are nothing to be afraid of is through experience.

River Run Family Dentistry is here to help your child have the best smile possible. If you would like to book an appointment with us, you can call 830-387-3040. 

Diagram of the dental crown from River Run Family Dentistry

When a tooth does not need to be extracted, but needs its functionality restored, a dental crown is typically used. It is an effective treatment for those who have misshapen or discolored teeth and it is oftentimes complemented with a root canal. We will be going over what a dental crown exactly is and some of its uses. At River Run Family Dentistry we want to ensure you are informed about what you are getting.

What Is A Dental Crown?

A dental crown can be described as an artificial layer or shell that goes over a tooth. Think of it as a protective helmet, but for your teeth. A crown is in the shape of a regular tooth can be made up of a wide variety of materials depending on the patient’s preference. A crown can be made up of resin, porcelain, or metals such as gold, nickel, and chromium. There is something for everyone, but there are differences in the longevity of the materials at hand. Metal crowns will last the longest but are more expensive than lower-cost options such as resin.

Crowns fully restore the appearance and functionality of a compromised tooth – and depending on the material such as resin, it can also restore the appearance of a tooth and make it look natural.

What Are Dental Crowns Used For?

A patient might need a dental crown for a multitude of reasons. A dental crown typically follows a root canal to restore the structural integrity of the tooth. A crown can also be used if a person has suffered from a broken, cracked, or worn-down tooth to restore the appearance and functionality. Someone might also get a crown for purely cosmetic reasons such as restoring a discolored tooth or a tooth that is misshaped but not necessarily deprived of functionality.

Crowns are indeed incredibly versatile when it comes to restoring a smile or eating functionality. They can make a tooth functional that would otherwise be unusable.

How to Know If You Need A Dental Crown

We have described some of the scenarios where someone might need a dental crown and it ultimately comes down to what treatment is best for you when the time comes for discussing with us on what actions to take. If you have a large cavity, you might require a crown to be placed over the compromised tooth after a large amount of filling has been used. In addition to this, a lingering, painful toothache can be a sign that you need a root canal to remove then infected pulp, which is then followed by filling the tooth and covering it with a crown. 

If you have a misshaped or broken tooth, you might also be recommended a crown. In the end, depending on the circumstances, you might be given multiple choices on how you want certain dental problems treated.

At River Run Family Dentistry we are committed to proving you with the best oral care in a warm, welcoming environment that makes you feel at home. If you have any questions regarding getting a dental crown or anything else, you can call 830-387-3040 to talk to us. You can also book an appointment this way to take the next steps.

Diagram of a dental bridge from River Run Family Dentistry

Having missing teeth, especially visible missing teeth is a dental nightmare for many people. There are serious complications when it comes to missing one or more teeth such as compromised structural support, difficulty eating, and risk of gum infection. Luckily, there is an effective solution to this called dental bridges. At River Run Family Dentistry we want to provide the best options for our patients, and there are a few of them.

What Are Dental Bridges?

Bridges are what the name implies, they bridge the gap of missing teeth between either natural teeth or implants. They are a small set of artificial teeth that fit where natural teeth used to be, restoring both the functionality and appearance and can be made from a wide range of materials from porcelain to a variety of metals such as gold and nickel.

The Different Types Of Bridges

There are multiple types of bridges available to work with a variety of special circumstances and needs. Some bridges will work better than others depending on where the missing tooth is. 


Traditional bridges are the most popular and are true to the name. They fill a gap with the support of natural teeth or implants on both sides. A downside to bridges is the fact that these supporting teeth need to essentially be sacrificed to fit the crowns on both sides of the bridge. These teeth that act as supports for the bridge have their enamel worn down significantly, and since enamel cannot be restored once it is gone, the crown acts as the replacement for that tooth. However, because the goal is to restore missing teeth in the first place, many don’t mind this practice.


Maryland bridges are considered very efficient when it comes to bridges. Instead of wearing down the enamel of the abutment teeth to extreme levels and fitting a crown over it, Maryland bridges only require the material to be bonded to the back of the teeth. These are a more cost-effective solution to traditional bridges.


You don’t always need two supports for a dental bridge, another option called a cantilever bridge is also an effective option. These are primarily used for frontal teeth rather than the back where biting forces are the strongest and can compromise the abutment tooth. Because there is only one support with cantilever bridges, more consideration needs to be made on the placement of these false teeth.


Implant-supported bridges are considered among the sturdiest of options available and it typically will require two surgical procedures to completely finish. The bridges compose of implants planted on both sides in the jawbone with a bridge of artificial teeth placed – secured by the implants. It is a complex procedure and it may take a couple months to fully complete, but it is highly recommended if you are looking for a set of teeth that can last a lifetime with proper care.

Talk To Us About Dental Bridges

At River Run Family Dentistry we are highly committed to providing your dental needs in a warm, welcoming environment. If you are in need of dental bridges, we would love to help you! Simply call 830-387-3040 if you have any questions or would like to schedule an appointment.  

Having a dental exam is one of the most important things you can do for your oral health. We recommend patients return every 6 months for an examination to allow us to check for potential problems. At River Run Family Dentistry we are serious about providing the best oral care for our patients.

One of the reasons certain people develop serious oral health issues such as late-stage tooth-decay is that they do not catch the issues until it is too late. This is like a traditional medical clinic checking for issues many people would not know that they have, and it is equally as important because oral health issues can turn into overall health issues. For example, studies have shown that there is a link between gum disease and high blood pressure that could lead to a stroke. 

What to Expect During an Exam

When you come in for an exam, we will ask various questions regarding aspects of your lifestyle that affect oral health. Questions such as “Do you currently smoke?” and “ How often are you brushing?” are some of the key questions that will be asked. This gives us an idea of what to specifically look for once we start examining your mouth. For instance – heavy smokers are at risk of developing oral cancer, and so that gives us an idea of what to be mindful of. 

The examination process itself involves checking all aspects of the health of your teeth, such as seeing if your teeth are properly aligned when biting, looking for cavities or teeth that show decay, and seeing if there are signs of gum disease. Essentially, anything that could go wrong with teeth or your gums is what we actively look for.

If we do find a problem inside of your mouth, we will talk to you about the next steps. If you simply have an average-sized cavity – a common occurrence, it can be filled. However, we will tell you about proper dental hygiene habits for the future so that you can have a fantastic check-up on your next visit. This is all for your wellbeing, we are here to help you have the healthiest mouth possible!


In addition to checking for any oral health issues, we will provide a deep, thorough clean for your mouth that involves completely getting rid of built-up tartar and plaque. This is an additional reason why it is a good idea to see us every 6 months, a lot can happen in that span of time – even if you are practicing good brushing and flossing habits, it is still entirely possible to have a little bit of tartar build-up.

To sum up the cleaning process of the examination, we will clean, rinse, and polish your teeth – providing you with the freshest, cleanest mouth possible. We think that once you experience how good you will feel after a dental exam, you will look forward to your return!

We are here to help with your oral health and at River Run Family Dentistry, we want you to feel at home with us. If you have any questions or would like to schedule an appointment with us, you can call 830-387-3040. We hope to see you soon!

Periodontal scaling and root planing are procedures used to treat periodontal disease. Thought of by many as a ‘deep cleaning’, this in-office procedure involves the careful removal of hardened plaque near the gum line, where harmful bacteria can grow and cause damage to both the hard and soft tissues of the mouth. The treatment starts with scaling, during which special instruments are used to scrape tartar away from the teeth and gums. Root planing follows, which is a process of smoothing the surface of the tooth’s root in order to prevent bacteria from accumulating there in the future. Finally, an antibiotic is administered to ensure that no bacteria remain at the treatment site.

Did you know…

that you cannot brush or rinse away hardened plaque that causes periodontal disease? The only thing you can do is prevent is from accumulating by using good brushing and flossing habits. Once tartar has formed, the only way to remove it is via a professional dental or periodontal cleaning.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need a periodontal scaling and root planing?

You may need scaling and root planing if you are suffering from mild to moderate periodontal disease. Visit your dentist for an exam if you are experiencing any of the symptoms of periodontal disease, such as inflamed or receding gums, chronic halitosis, or loose teeth. If your periodontal disease is advanced, you may require grafting or flap surgery.

What should I expect during a scaling and root planing?

If you require a scaling and root planing, you’ll first be made comfortable – perhaps using a local anesthetic. You should feel little or no discomfort other than the sensation of the cleaning tools scraping away hardened plaque. Procedure lengths vary according to the extent of the disease and the areas it is located within the mouth. If your periodontal disease is widespread, you may need to spread out your treatment into multiple visits.

Will I need to follow any special post-treatment care instructions?

Yes. You’ll need to follow all instructions for antibiotic usage following your treatment. You’ll also be advised to avoid certain habits that can cause recurrences of periodontal disease in the future, such as smoking. Most patients experience little or no discomfort after scaling and root planing, although your mouth may continue to be numb for several hours following the procedure.

It is estimated that between 9 and 15% of American adults avoid going to the dentist because of fear. Studies show that fear of the dentist is more often due to society’s misplaced belief that dental treatments are all painful more so than an actual painful experience. Dentists use nitrous oxide to help patients have a relaxed and pain free dental visit.

Nitrous oxide, often referred to as laughing gas, is used by dentists to help patients relax during treatment. It is a safe sedative that is combined with oxygen and inhaled through a small mask during treatment. This mild sedative will not put a patient to sleep. Patients are able to hear and respond to questions. They may experience some sensations of lightheadedness or tingling in the arms and legs. Once treatment is complete and the mask is removed the effects of nitrous oxide fade quickly as fresh air is breathed into the lungs.

Nitrous oxide is used on patients for two reasons. First, when patients are undergoing a procedure that may take a long time or an uncomfortable treatment, nitrous oxide can help them to relax and be comfortable throughout treatment. Nitrous oxide is also helpful for patients who suffer from dental anxiety or for children or those with special needs who may not understand the importance of dental care or be able to sit still during treatment. Dentists have extensive training in the use of nitrous oxide and other sedation techniques to ensure that all patients receive the appropriate dosage to keep them calm and relaxed throughout treatment.

Dentists are dedicated to providing the best possible patient care. They understand that the needs of each person are unique and they take the time to listen to them and address their concerns with an approach tailored to their needs.

Patient getting a dental cleaning at River Run Family DentistryAt River Run Family Dentistry we want the best dental care for our patients, and one of the keyways we help people have their best smile is by providing a thorough dental cleaning. It is highly beneficial to get your teeth cleaned by us every 6 months for a multitude of reasons such as making it more difficult for plaque to stick to your teeth within those 6 months. Here is what you can expect when you come in for a standard cleaning.

Cleaning Procedure

To start with, we will do a thorough examination of the mouth to watch out for any oral health problems such as cavities or gum disease. This step alone is why it is important to see us every year because a lot can happen in 6 months. Typically, dental problems are spotted in their early stages with people that come in regularly and this allows us to take care of the issue before it snowballs into something more severe.

In addition to this, we will remove any built-up plaque and tartar, the latter being especially important since it cannot be removed at home with brushing and flossing alone. Once your teeth are ready to be cleaned, then we will essentially brush them using a special toothpaste and toothbrush that are efficient at providing a deep clean.

The reason why brushing in this way, every day at home cannot be done because it can damage your enamel – but a cleaning like this is completely safe and beneficial twice a year. You will notice that the toothpaste has a gritty texture to it compared to the typical toothpaste you can purchase at stores — this is what provides the “rough” cleaning.

To wrap up the cleaning aspect of the appointment, we will thoroughly floss in-between your teeth to ensure that no tartar and plaque gets left behind when you leave. Finally, we will rinse your mouth out and have fluoride varnish placed on your teeth to help prevent dental problems.

We like to look at this cleaning as a fresh start for your mouth and it will lower your chances of developing cavities and gum disease down the road. From here, practicing healthy brushing habits daily will ensure that the next time you come in, you will have yet another smooth check-up.

If we have found a problem during your visit, do not worry, we are here to both treat and set you on the right path–not judge you! Oral care is a learning experience for many people and new habits are required to form. Many patients come in after years of not visiting the dentist and end up being regulars with smooth checkups. In fact, we are confident that you will want to keep up the clean feeling you leave with for as long as possible!

We Would Love for You to Visit Us

If you are interested in coming in for a thorough, professional cleaning. We would love to have you! At River Run Family Dentistry we strive to make every patient feel at home with us. You can get in contact with us by calling 830-387-3040 to set up an appointment. We are looking forward to seeing you!

Patient getting a filling at River Run Family DentistryCavities are one of the most common dental problems and they are something we work with almost every day. Over 90% of adults in the US has had a cavity in their life–bringing to light on just how easy it can be for them to develop if you are not careful about your oral hygiene! Here at River Run Family Dentistry we encourage all of our patients to take the best care they can of their teeth.

An open cavity poses risk to the user. The risk of that area becoming infected and/or painful. In addition to this, the longer you leave a cavity untreated, the bigger it will grow, and the more opportunities bacteria have to make things significantly worse than what they already are. Luckily, there is an efficient, effective solution for treating cavities called dental fillings. You have likely heard about fillings before, perhaps you know somebody who has had dental fillings installed. We will be going over exactly what fillings are and how they are effective at treating cavities.

What Are Dental Fillings?

Dental fillings are usually made of composite resin, but they can also come in other types of materials such as silver amalgam and porcelain. Your choice of material affects the longevity of the filling, for example, composite resin can last upwards up 7 years while silver amalgam can last 15 years. There is something for everyone when it comes to choosing your material.

It is also worth mentioning that composite resin is also used for tooth bonding to treat a chipped tooth. The material matches the color of teeth and so it is excellent for aesthetic purposes.

Why Fillings Are Important

When a tooth developed a cavity, it is essentially hollowed out – compromising the structural integrity of it. A tooth with a cavity can lead to it easily being chipped while chewing on food. And having such a compact exposed area poses a risk of infection due to bacteria being able to collect in such a small place. It may be easy to blow off a cavity at first, but the serious oral health problems it can bring down the road are no joke. 

The larger the cavity is, the less functional the tooth is. It is common for users to experience high sensitivity to hot and cold foods with a cavity that is in a “high traffic” area of the mouth. This is an effective way to tell if you might have a cavity without seeing it, if you have a cavity that is at the back of the mouth, you are unlikely to see it unless you specifically look for it. It is good to be mindful if something feels off with a tooth.

Talk to Us About Getting Fillings

If you suspect that you have a cavity or would like to get a tooth bonded. Don’t hesitate to call us at 830-387-3040. We are here to give you the best oral care in an environment that was warm and welcoming at River Run Family Dentistry. We hope to see you soon–and remember–treating dental problems as early as possible prevents them from spiraling into severe conditions that involve more extreme measures of treatment.

New Braunfels, TX

Diagram of the dental implant procedure available at River Run Family Dentistry

When it comes to replacing missing teeth, you have multiple options available to you such as dentures and bridges. But the one many would consider is closer to the experience of having natural teeth are implants. These are a permanent option that aims to mimic the structural integrity of naturally growing teeth and are rising in popularity. But are they right for you? At River Run Family Dentistry we want to help each patient make the best choices for their oral health.


What Are Dental Implants?

As mentioned above, dental implants aim to be the closest to having natural teeth. This means that dental implants involve the jawbone. Titanium “rods” are placed inside the jawbone with the attachment points appearing above the gums. What allows implants to mimic teeth is the fact the bone will essentially bond with these rods — allowing them to function like natural roots. The prosthetic teeth made of porcelain are then attached to the abutment points of the implants. This procedure requires two visits, one for placing the implants in the jawbone, and one for attaching the teeth.


The Different Types of Implants

Implants are versatile in that they can either replace a single tooth or an entire set of teeth — or anything in between. We will go over the three main types of dental implants.

Implant-Supported Bridges

Bridges are usually used to replace multiple teeth in a row, they require a support point — usually one on each side unless you are using cantilever bridges. The traditional method involves wearing down the enamel of two teeth on each side and placing a supporting crown on top of this abutment tooth. Implant-supported bridges essentially replace using natural teeth for support with implants

Single-Tooth Implants

As the name implies, single-tooth implants are designed to replace one tooth. They work similarly to other types of implants, but instead only one implant and one prosthetic tooth are used. 

Implant-retained Denture

These are meant to be an alternative to dentures and are considered the best way to give someone their full smile back if they are a good candidate. An entire row of prosthetic teeth is placed both on the top and bottom. 

It is worth noting that due to the complexity of both surgically installing implants and custom designing the teeth themselves, they are a costly option compared to other forms of teeth replacement. However, implants can last a lifetime and are the closest to having the original teeth you were naturally accustomed to. Some would consider that the cost starts to become closer to dentures if the implants are taken good care of over a period of decades.


Talk to Us About Tooth Replacement Options

If you are currently unhappy with your smile and would like to take the next steps towards a mouth that is both fully functional and visually appealing, we would love to help! At River Run Family Dentistry we are dedicated to helping each patient both retain and achieve the smile they are seeking. You can call our office at 830-387-3040 to ask any questions or schedule an appointment to go over your possible options. Your road to a better quality-of-life can start here!